Your Human Design & Love Masterclass

Uncover your love by design in this masterclass.

You deserve to experience the full embodiment of love, joy & pleasure!

Sound like you?

-Your relationship is…mediocre and you feel like it can be taken up a notch.

-You seem to attract the same types that are consistently inconsistent.

-You cycle through partners who seem to throw healthy communication out the window.

-You often wonder if your partner loves you for who you truly are OR you know you haven’t been showing your TRUE self in your relationship.

You'll walk away from this masterclass knowing:

  • How you are designed to love and be loved
  • How to make sure you are attracting love instead of chasing it
  • How to communicate with your partner according to both of your designs
  • How you and your partner can feel seen in your relationship
  • How to dive into connection charts for you and your partner to see how you connect energetically…beyond the physical
  • Your love language according to your unique human design

And SO much more.

You choose what to pay:

I remember the times I was finally ready to invest in me. Sometimes I could afford more. Sometimes not as much. So I’m doing “You Choose” pricing and pray you pass it along.

If you choose the $33 pricing, you'll also get a bonus Love Frequency Activation!

If you choose the $77 pricing, you’ll get the Love Frequency Activation AND a downloadable version of my 52-page Creatrix Playbook and Journal!

Presented by

Tierra Womack

October 21, 2022
9:30am Pacific Time

watch today!

Love is our attraction frequency.

Do you truly know how you love others and how to be loved…in alignment?

In a way that leaves you feeling lit up?

In a way that leaves you feeling whole, nurtured, healed, safe and healthy?

One of the biggest lessons you’ll ever experience this lifetime is that of relationships and learning YOUR love frequency versus how you’ve been taught you SHOULD love/be loved.

Uncover your love by design in this masterclass…you deserve to experience the full embodiment of love, joy & pleasure!

    I remember the times I was finally ready to invest in me. Sometimes I could afford more. Sometimes not as much. So I’m doing “You Choose” pricing and pray you pass it along.

    If you choose the $33 pricing, you'll also get a bonus Love Frequency Activation!

    If you choose the $77 pricing, you’ll get the Love Frequency Activation AND a downloadable version of my 52-page Creatrix Playbook & Journal!